NudoApp Hero Asset

Linking Decentralized Capital with Real-World Economy

Earn fixed yield in USD stablecoins by boosting the Latam economy.

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Team Nudo and Quipu

Nudo by Quipu is a DeFi lending protocol that links decentralized stablecoin capital with MSME (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises) borrowers. It provides lenders with a fixed yield derived from tangible real-world lending activities. Additionally, investments are safeguarded with off-chain collateral, differentiating it from the typical volatility associated with the current DeFi market.

Quipu is fintech startup building a alternative credit scoring using AI for the informal businesses in latam, which has a credit gap of USD 1.4 trillion, to build credit history and access productive loans even if they have a bad report in the credit bureau. This score has 0.78 AUC (market standards )